Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly,
comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.

1 Thessalonians 5:14

What is Uphold?

The vision of the Uphold/Care Ministry is minister to the body of CWC by ensuring that our seniors/disabled and/or those who may be shut-in are not forgotten, seeking to maintain connection for those in need. This can be a great opportunity for the body of Christ to come together in active outreach in the ‘one another’ ministries of the church (1Thess 5:14). We recognize the needs of those through weekly or bi-weekly phone calls, visits, and/or prayer, to convey sincere love and care.

Please contact us if you are interested in serving in this ministry or know of someone in need of extra contact.
Fill out the box below or call the church at 719-632-3311.

Want to get more involved?

"I love how the Uphold Ministry has allowed seniors to stay connected (unity). I am able to use the gifts that God has given me to minister to the senior’s emotional and spiritual needs. I love serving and using my spiritual gifts to keep the church members connected."

- Gail B.

"I was actually someone who was on the receiving end of this ministry, I had to have a pretty intense neck surgery and was down for a few months, unable to drive. I didn't really know anyone yet and this opened up the door for the Lord to send me help and friendships through this ministry!! Weekly phone calls were made, meals were brought to help my husband and I out, support of rides were given when needed, a listening ear or shoulder to lean on was available as well."

- Karen D.

"Now....I get to be a part of the giving end of this ministry and share my time with someone else in need. . I have had the wonderful opportunity to serve a lady in particular for the last year and a half who has been unable to drive or get around.  I get to spend time with her, love her, pray with her, share the word with her, learn from her, or just share a meal together. All of it is just such a blessing to me."

- Karen D. (continued)


Please contact us if you are interested in serving in this ministry or know of someone in need of extra contact.